New Year's happening!!!
NURAS' special show with NURAS' classic members. Wan Mat Zain (our bassist of StoneRiver and Fire Locomotive) stand proud with his gear.our drummer also hype! during our sister's Azlina mohter wedding.
em...radhi OAG..hope never misunderstood, i dressed the baju melayu and songkok doesn't meant tribute to you but we do the show during the wedding day. Anyway, Radhi OAG, we proud with you dreesed like 'saksi nikah'. but don't la off your shirt again. we are your big fans!!!
Azlina mohter and her
husband,jeffry.happy nice wedding and hope will bliss till the end. Aminnnn!!!!
2 ulasan:
salam bro. lama tak jenguk ke sini. bila la dpt jumpe lg ni. teringin sgt nak bro lukiskan muka saya jd karikatur gtu, hehehe.
masih gna no fon yg dlu ke? no saya masih tak berubah.
wooo, dah kawen rupenye. mmg lama gile seh tak singgah sini, hehehe.
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